The 2024 estate practice report for lawyers

Learn how estate lawyers run their practice and how to improve yours

What is the eState Planner estate practice report?

At eState Planner our customers are our colleagues. As fellow estate lawyers, we know that we can all improve our practices by sharing knowledge and experience.

One of our key initiatives is our annual estate practice webinar, where we survey hundreds of estate lawyers about their processes, practice methods, and fees.

We’re thrilled to share the results of this year’s survey with you. These findings offer fascinating glimpses into the latest trends in estate planning and the business aspects of running a small firm.

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2024 estate planning practice report

What you will find in this guide

Comprehensive client investigation in 2024

Conducting a detailed client investigation is crucial for successful estate planning. When improperly executed, it can become one of the most challenging aspects of the process.

In the first section of the estate practice report, learn how estate lawyers collect client information in 2024, and the type of data and instructions collected during this process.

estate planning client intake
virtual will planning meeting

In 2024, planning meetings are more in-person and streamlined

While most lawyers hosted their first client meetings virtually in 2023, our survey shows a significant shift occurred in 2024.

Learn how lawyers in your area host and organize their planning meetings. This report also provides insights into the keys for more structured and streamlined meetings.

How much do lawyers charge for wills in 2024?

The average fee for a standard package of couple's wills and powers of attorney was $1,330 in 2023. And this year, lawyers have revised their fee structures.

Our guide details the average fees levied by estate lawyers in 2024. Additionally, we have provided a breakdown of fees based on geographical locations, as this aspect greatly impacts the service charges.

estate planning fees by lawyers
grow estate planning practice

How estate lawyers grow their practice at little to no cost

Lawyers surveyed in 2024 were asked about their primary source of will planning clients. While advertising and existing clients seeking other services were mentioned, this guide delves into the main source of clients for estate lawyers and how to optimize this channel.

Download the guide to find out how lawyers are successful at growing their practice without investing in advertising.

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