Generate wills, powers of attorney, and other legal documents the way you want

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Generate legal documents dynamically

Create wills, power of attorney, and other legal documents effortlessly with a few clicks. Generated documents are produced in Word format, allowing for the ability to edit afterwards.

software for lawyers to generate wills, POAs, and other legal documents

Customize wills that match your current precedents and brand

Tailor your wills to match your established precedents and brand. Our legal documents are based on the precedents of Hull and Hull LLP for added convenience. If you prefer to use your own precedent, you have the option to include custom provisions.

picture of D'Agostino & Associates firm employee

We are able to draft wills and powers of attorney in a matter of minutes, which allows us to serve clients as efficiently as possible.

Anna Fitzsimmons, Estate Lawyer - D’Agostino & Associates

You remain in control of what your documents include

Use Hull and Hull LLP precedents or your own

Use the Hull and Hull precedent and will or use your own precedent if you’ve developed your own language and terms.

Choose between a variety of will layouts

A selection of will templates tailored for various preferences and jurisdictions. You can find a will template that matches your unique needs and preferences.

Customize your documents by choosing definitions, set relationships, and more

Depending on your client’s situation, you can choose which definitions to include and the relationship to beneficiaries in your generated documents.

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tools of tomorrow